Have you ever found yourself wrestling with your faith? Perhaps you’ve questioned God’s goodness, wondered why suffering exists, or doubted His presence in your life. If so, you’re not alone. While questioning faith can feel unsettling, it is, in fact, deeply biblical and a crucial part of spiritual growth.
Have you ever met a toddler that doesn’t ask a dozen questions a day? Nope, me neither, and that’s because they don’t exist. Jesus said that we needed to have faith like a child, that means questions are part of our daily walk with God.
Toddlers learn through curiosity and making mistakes, and so must we! Let’s dig a little deeper…
Biblical Examples of Faithful Questioning
The Bible is filled with stories of people who questioned God and their faith. These examples show us that questioning is not a sign of weak faith but a natural and healthy part of a relationship with God. Here are a few instances:
David in the Psalms: David, described as a man after God’s own heart, openly questioned and lamented to God. In Psalm 22:1, he cried, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Yet, even in his doubts, David turned to God and reaffirmed his trust.
Job’s Honest Struggles: Job, a man of immense faith, questioned God’s justice after experiencing profound suffering. Job’s dialogues with God reveal that God is not offended by our questions but welcomes honest engagement.
Thomas’ Doubt: Thomas, one of Jesus’ disciples, doubted the resurrection until he could see and touch Jesus for himself. Jesus did not rebuke Thomas but instead met him in his doubt and provided the reassurance he needed (John 20:24-29).
These examples remind us that questioning is not the opposite of faith but a pathway to deeper understanding and trust.
Why Questioning Is Healthy
It Deepens Your Relationship with God Genuine relationships involve honest communication. When we bring our doubts and questions to God, we invite Him into our struggles. This openness deepens our connection and allows us to experience His presence in profound ways.
It Strengthens Your Faith Faith is not blind belief but trust in God based on understanding and experience. By wrestling with difficult questions, we seek answers and clarity, which ultimately lead to a more robust and resilient faith.
It Helps Us Grow Spiritually Spiritual growth often comes from discomfort and challenge. When we question our faith, we’re forced to explore Scripture, seek wise counsel, and confront our assumptions. This process shapes us into more mature believers.
It Makes Your Faith Personal A faith that has been tested and questioned becomes deeply personal. It moves from being something you’ve inherited or accepted without thought to something you’ve owned and internalised.
How to Question Faith Biblically
Bring Your Questions to God Like David, Job, and Thomas, take your doubts directly to God in prayer. He invites you to come to Him with your burdens and promises to give you rest (Matthew 11:28).
Seek Truth in Scripture The Bible is a rich source of wisdom and guidance. Dive into God’s Word with an open heart, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you.
Talk to Trusted Mentors Surround yourself with mature Christians who can offer wisdom, support, and perspective. Sometimes, discussing your questions with others can provide clarity and encouragement.
Be Patient with the Process Answers don’t always come quickly or easily. Trust that God is working in your heart and that your journey of questioning has purpose.
The Beauty of Faith Refined by Questions
Questioning your faith doesn’t mean you’re failing as a Christian; it means you’re engaging deeply with what you believe. Like refining gold in fire, questioning burns away superficial beliefs and leaves behind a faith that is authentic, durable, and deeply rooted in truth.
God is big enough to handle your doubts and questions. He welcomes your honesty, values your desire to seek Him, and promises to walk with you through every uncertainty. So, if you find yourself questioning your faith, take heart. You are in good company, and your journey has the potential to lead you closer to the God who loves you unconditionally.
Why Questioning Your Christian Faith Is Biblical and Healthy
Have you ever found yourself wrestling with your faith? Perhaps you’ve questioned God’s goodness, wondered why suffering exists, or doubted His presence in your life. If so, you’re not alone. While questioning faith can feel unsettling, it is, in fact, deeply biblical and a crucial part of spiritual growth.
Have you ever met a toddler that doesn’t ask a dozen questions a day? Nope, me neither, and that’s because they don’t exist. Jesus said that we needed to have faith like a child, that means questions are part of our daily walk with God.
Toddlers learn through curiosity and making mistakes, and so must we! Let’s dig a little deeper…
Biblical Examples of Faithful Questioning
The Bible is filled with stories of people who questioned God and their faith. These examples show us that questioning is not a sign of weak faith but a natural and healthy part of a relationship with God. Here are a few instances:
David in the Psalms: David, described as a man after God’s own heart, openly questioned and lamented to God. In Psalm 22:1, he cried, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Yet, even in his doubts, David turned to God and reaffirmed his trust.
Job’s Honest Struggles: Job, a man of immense faith, questioned God’s justice after experiencing profound suffering. Job’s dialogues with God reveal that God is not offended by our questions but welcomes honest engagement.
Thomas’ Doubt: Thomas, one of Jesus’ disciples, doubted the resurrection until he could see and touch Jesus for himself. Jesus did not rebuke Thomas but instead met him in his doubt and provided the reassurance he needed (John 20:24-29).
These examples remind us that questioning is not the opposite of faith but a pathway to deeper understanding and trust.
Why Questioning Is Healthy
It Deepens Your Relationship with God
Genuine relationships involve honest communication. When we bring our doubts and questions to God, we invite Him into our struggles. This openness deepens our connection and allows us to experience His presence in profound ways.
It Strengthens Your Faith
Faith is not blind belief but trust in God based on understanding and experience. By wrestling with difficult questions, we seek answers and clarity, which ultimately lead to a more robust and resilient faith.
It Helps Us Grow Spiritually
Spiritual growth often comes from discomfort and challenge. When we question our faith, we’re forced to explore Scripture, seek wise counsel, and confront our assumptions. This process shapes us into more mature believers.
It Makes Your Faith Personal
A faith that has been tested and questioned becomes deeply personal. It moves from being something you’ve inherited or accepted without thought to something you’ve owned and internalised.
How to Question Faith Biblically
Bring Your Questions to God
Like David, Job, and Thomas, take your doubts directly to God in prayer. He invites you to come to Him with your burdens and promises to give you rest (Matthew 11:28).
Seek Truth in Scripture
The Bible is a rich source of wisdom and guidance. Dive into God’s Word with an open heart, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you.
Talk to Trusted Mentors
Surround yourself with mature Christians who can offer wisdom, support, and perspective. Sometimes, discussing your questions with others can provide clarity and encouragement.
Be Patient with the Process
Answers don’t always come quickly or easily. Trust that God is working in your heart and that your journey of questioning has purpose.
The Beauty of Faith Refined by Questions
Questioning your faith doesn’t mean you’re failing as a Christian; it means you’re engaging deeply with what you believe. Like refining gold in fire, questioning burns away superficial beliefs and leaves behind a faith that is authentic, durable, and deeply rooted in truth.
God is big enough to handle your doubts and questions. He welcomes your honesty, values your desire to seek Him, and promises to walk with you through every uncertainty. So, if you find yourself questioning your faith, take heart. You are in good company, and your journey has the potential to lead you closer to the God who loves you unconditionally.