2024 has been the hardest year of my life. That might sound dramatic, but it’s the truth. It feels like the very foundation of my world has been shaken. I’ve been brought to my knees, revisiting depths of my soul I never thought I’d have to face again.
As Christians, we’re created as tripartite beings: body, soul, and spirit. Our body interacts with the physical world, our soul holds our mind, will, and emotions, and our spirit connects with God. Embracing this design reminds us to nurture our physical health, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth to glorify Him fully. And when one part of us falters, it ripples into the others. This year, the toll on my body — an onslaught of new diagnoses and ongoing health challenges — pushed my mind to the brink.
My mental health wavered, weakened by physical pain and a deep weariness I couldn’t shake. Then a car accident turned my world upside down. My life flashed before my eyes, and my faith — a once-bright flame — felt like a flickering wick, barely holding on.
But here’s the thing about faith. Jesus said, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains.” A mustard seed is tiny, yet when my faith felt that small, I found myself questioning everything. Why, in those moments of crisis, does it feel like we’re penalised for struggling? Why does the weight of our doubt feel so heavy?
I’ve realised that those moments, the hardest ones, are where the beauty of community comes in.
The Power of Community
We were never meant to walk through life alone. Just as God exists in relationship—Father, Son, and Spirit—we are created for connection. Community can take many forms: family, friendships, church groups, neighbours, colleagues, or even the unexpected kindness of strangers. In my darkest moments, light has broken through in the most surprising ways, often from places I least expected.
I’ve seen hope through the eyes of friends who don’t share my faith but deeply believe in me, reminding me of my strength when I couldn’t see it myself.
It’s easy to be surrounded by friends when life is neat and rosy. But the friends who stay when life is messy — when everything is in shambles — are the ones who truly matter. They sit with you in the ashes of disappointment. They listen, not to fix, but to hear your heart and understand how you are feeling. They see past your circumstances, past the fear, the exhaustion, and the struggle, to the person God created you to be. These are the friends who don’t shy away from the darkness but walk with you through it.
Finding God in the Darkness
This year, every corner of my life has been tested — every stone turned over. Yet, in every broken place, I’ve found traces of God. His fingerprints are everywhere, even in the midst of chaos and pain.
Light only exists because of darkness. Without one, the other wouldn’t have meaning.
And if we are called to be the light of the world, as Jesus says we are, then our purpose is to shine in the dark places. What good is light if it only gathers where other lights already shine?
I’ve learned that the value of my faith isn’t measured by how brightly it shines in the easy times, but by its resilience in the hardest times. Even if I’m the only light for miles around, I know that God is with me. When I intentionally choose to turn my light on, He meets me in that space.
If you’re reading this and feel alone, let me assure you: you’re not. Life can be brutal, and sometimes there are no answers. Sometimes your compass feels broken, and you don’t even know which way to turn.
But even in those moments — when everything feels upside down, when you’re certain you’re at your breaking point — life goes on. And so will you.
The Final Word Belongs to God
This year has taught me the most important truth: only God has the final say over my life. Not my circumstances, not my fears, not even death. After facing multiple near-death experiences, I am more convinced than ever that nothing—nothing—can separate me from the love of God.
Paul’s words in Romans 8:38-39 echo in my heart: “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Take comfort in this truth today. Even in the darkest moments, God’s light remains. If your faith feels small, like a mustard seed, know that it is enough. Ask Him to help you turn your light on, even if it feels dim. Be brave. Stand firm. You are seen. You are loved.
Finding Hope and Faith in Life’s Hardest Moments
2024 has been the hardest year of my life. That might sound dramatic, but it’s the truth. It feels like the very foundation of my world has been shaken. I’ve been brought to my knees, revisiting depths of my soul I never thought I’d have to face again.
As Christians, we’re created as tripartite beings: body, soul, and spirit. Our body interacts with the physical world, our soul holds our mind, will, and emotions, and our spirit connects with God. Embracing this design reminds us to nurture our physical health, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth to glorify Him fully. And when one part of us falters, it ripples into the others.
This year, the toll on my body — an onslaught of new diagnoses and ongoing health challenges — pushed my mind to the brink.
My mental health wavered, weakened by physical pain and a deep weariness I couldn’t shake. Then a car accident turned my world upside down. My life flashed before my eyes, and my faith — a once-bright flame — felt like a flickering wick, barely holding on.
But here’s the thing about faith. Jesus said, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains.” A mustard seed is tiny, yet when my faith felt that small, I found myself questioning everything. Why, in those moments of crisis, does it feel like we’re penalised for struggling? Why does the weight of our doubt feel so heavy?
The Power of Community
We were never meant to walk through life alone. Just as God exists in relationship—Father, Son, and Spirit—we are created for connection. Community can take many forms: family, friendships, church groups, neighbours, colleagues, or even the unexpected kindness of strangers. In my darkest moments, light has broken through in the most surprising ways, often from places I least expected.
It’s easy to be surrounded by friends when life is neat and rosy. But the friends who stay when life is messy — when everything is in shambles — are the ones who truly matter. They sit with you in the ashes of disappointment. They listen, not to fix, but to hear your heart and understand how you are feeling. They see past your circumstances, past the fear, the exhaustion, and the struggle, to the person God created you to be. These are the friends who don’t shy away from the darkness but walk with you through it.
Finding God in the Darkness
This year, every corner of my life has been tested — every stone turned over. Yet, in every broken place, I’ve found traces of God. His fingerprints are everywhere, even in the midst of chaos and pain.
And if we are called to be the light of the world, as Jesus says we are, then our purpose is to shine in the dark places. What good is light if it only gathers where other lights already shine?
I’ve learned that the value of my faith isn’t measured by how brightly it shines in the easy times, but by its resilience in the hardest times. Even if I’m the only light for miles around, I know that God is with me. When I intentionally choose to turn my light on, He meets me in that space.
If you’re reading this and feel alone, let me assure you: you’re not. Life can be brutal, and sometimes there are no answers. Sometimes your compass feels broken, and you don’t even know which way to turn.
The Final Word Belongs to God
This year has taught me the most important truth: only God has the final say over my life. Not my circumstances, not my fears, not even death. After facing multiple near-death experiences, I am more convinced than ever that nothing—nothing—can separate me from the love of God.
Take comfort in this truth today. Even in the darkest moments, God’s light remains. If your faith feels small, like a mustard seed, know that it is enough. Ask Him to help you turn your light on, even if it feels dim. Be brave. Stand firm. You are seen. You are loved.